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Dorsey's Twitter Twist: India's Pressure Unveiled | Cartoon by MANJUL


In a recent controversy that has sparked heated debates, Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey's statement claiming that India exerted pressure on the platform has left many in the Indian subcontinent astounded. The remark came amidst rising tensions between the Indian government and social media platforms regarding the regulation of online content. The controversy has ignited a firestorm of discussions, with critics arguing that such allegations could strain diplomatic relations and others questioning the extent of the government's influence over social media. As the news spread like wildfire, cartoonists have found inspiration to depict this contentious issue in a witty and thought-provoking manner, prompting audiences to reflect upon the delicate balance between freedom of expression and governmental control in the digital age.

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Dear readers, Since 1989, I've passionately drawn cartoons, facing challenges from editors and governments. Joining this platform changed everything. Here, I don't compromise, and no one censures my toons but me. Your support sponsors these cartoons, making them yours. Your support is the key to my artistic freedom. It empowers thought-provoking cartoons challenging the status quo, shedding light on crucial matters, and holding those in power accountable. It's not just about big, one-time support. Even small, regular contributions make an impact. Your consistent support ensures this art form thrives. Read, enjoy, and share! Let's keep this going. Your contributions, no matter the size, make a difference. Join me in celebrating the power of cartoons driven by the readers, for the readers, and created by the readers. Thank you sincerely, Manjul #CartoonForTheReadersOfTheReadersByTheReaders

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